My name is Troy, I’ve been part of the networking field in IT for a while. I have found my passion working specifically with wireless, IoT, and security. I thoroughly enjoy sharing stories and chatting with others about wireless tech.
I am a self-confessed certification junkie having earned several dozen networking and security certifications including CWNE #90, CWISE #002, CCIE#20999 (R&S, Wireless), GAWN, and CISSP.
My daytime identity is an independent consultant delivering a mix of consulting and training around the world. If you would like to know more about past and present roles head over to my LinkedIn profile.
I love what I do, but honestly, if I won the lottery, I would spend my time enjoying whisky (obviously), cycling, snowboarding, surfing, and travelling.
All views expressed on this site are my own.
Feel free to get in touch with me via the Contact page!
Slàinte Mhath!