Wall Attenuation Reporting

Wall Attenuation Reporting The recent release of AI Pro from Ekahau now supports wall types with the option to configure unique wall attenuation values per band.  This is a welcome feature addition, but immediately after seeing this feature I wondered how to include this information in custom template reports to document the configured wall type attenuation…

Where did “My APs” Go

Where did “My APs” Go You may have noticed that “My APs” and “Other APs” are no longer in Ekahau AI Pro. While true, the concept behind “My APs” and “Other APs” is still there. We can accomplish the same grouping using AP colour tags. Think of the old “My APs” tag as a colour……

Extreme Wireless CLI Reference

I’ve been working with others on some configurations using Extreme’s wireless APs.  Not everyone wants to purchase the full license and settles for using ExtremeCloud IQ Connect.  Connect allows for free lifetime management of access points, switches, and routers via the ExtremeCloud IQ portal. ExtremeCloud IQ supports the following features with no licensing cost: Device on-boarding Guided…

DOGEcoin miner on Raspberry Pi

DOGEcoin miner on Raspberry Pi I happen to have a handful of Raspberry Pi 4’s lying around and thought I would experiment with setting them up as DOGE coin miner.  Appreciate that this is more of a proof-of-concept (PoC) exercise, the Pi is not going to fill your crypto wallet with DOGE coins. Instructions below will…

LoRaWAN: An Overview – Presentation at WLPC 2022

LoRaWAN: An Overview – Presentation at WLPC 2022 A quick post to provide a link to the slides and video for my presentation during the Wireless LAN Professionals Conference (#WLPC) in 2022.  My topic was LoRaWAN: An Overview, providing a 30- minute overview of this long-range, low-power, IoT technology deployed in over 160 countries. Additionally,…