Wall Attenuation Reporting

Wall Attenuation Reporting The recent release of AI Pro from Ekahau now supports wall types with the option to configure unique wall attenuation values per band.  This is a welcome feature addition, but immediately after seeing this feature I wondered how to include this information in custom template reports to document the configured wall type attenuation…

Where did “My APs” Go

Where did “My APs” Go You may have noticed that “My APs” and “Other APs” are no longer in Ekahau AI Pro. While true, the concept behind “My APs” and “Other APs” is still there. We can accomplish the same grouping using AP colour tags. Think of the old “My APs” tag as a colour……

Wall Attenuation Measurements

Have you ever been stumped trying to figure what wall attenuation value to simulate in your predictive RF designs?  Have you wondered if reinforced concrete is “thicker” then a wall constructed with masonry bricks? The chart below summarizes relative attenuation values from common building materials as tested by NIST way back in 1997. Shockingly, concrete yields…

Wi-Fi Design Resources

Wi-Fi Design Resources v4 This is a list of Wi-Fi resources I have found myself referring to many times: Understanding Wi-Fi Visualizing Waves Gjermund’s Airtime Calculator Fourier transform (“simple” explanation) Fourier transform (“less simple” explanation) WLANPros Wireshark Colouring Rules Wi-Fi Client Data Rate Calculator from SemFio (François Vergès) Wi-Fi Client Capabilities SemFio Clients Clients.MikeAlbano.com RSSI…

Ekahau Template Reporting Cheatsheet

Ekahau Template Reporting Cheatsheet v1 Before we start, you can always find the full documentation for Ekahau Report Templates here. The following is a list of useful quick references when building out Ekahau Report Templates: Data Tags <#${project-name}#> <#${project-file-name}#> <#${project-owner}#> <#${project-notes}#> <#${project-customer}#> <#${project-location}#> <#${floor-name}#> <#${ap-name}#> <#${ap-number}#> <#${ap-model}#> <#${ap-vendor}#> <#${ssid}#> Loop Tags <#“loop-start”: {“type”: “floors”}#><#“loop-end”: {“type”:…

Extreme Site Survey AP Configuration

Extreme Site Survey AP Configuration This post captures useful commands when performing site surveys for configuring access points from Extreme Networks (formerly Aerohive).  Sometimes events happen in the field and you need to factory reset or re-configure an AP in the middle of a site survey.  What follows are some notes about relevant commands to configure an…

With Extreme Power comes Extreme Responsibility

With Extreme Power comes Extreme Responsibility Have you ever wondered why RSSI values from validation surveys don’t match your predictive design?  Have you wondered why changing the AP transmit power doesn’t always correspond with RSSI values for the client? There are some subtle nuances to be aware of when setting the transmit power on Extreme Networks (formerly…